Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 6 - Small Victories

Today, I was an attendee at a children's party. Of course, there is always a bunch of not-good-for-you foods. This party was no different. Lots of Pizza, Panera's Cinnamon Bagels, Hawaiian Punch, Candy, etc, etc.  I'm not much of a candy eater, and I don't care about the juice drinks, but normally, I would give in to a slice of cheese pizza or two.

I didn't. :)

But it was different this time. I didn't have ANY desire to eat the pizza. It smelled really good, but I didn't care. I think that's when you know you are on the right track. Things that normally would derail you, suddenly don't even matter to you.

Small Victories!

I will admit that the cinnamon bagels tempted me but only in the slightest way, and only because the cinnamon on them smelled AMAZING. But again, I didn't give in. I'm not sure if Panera's bagels are vegan or not which is why it didn't tempt me too much but just as a healthy eating stand point, it wasn't worth it to indulge. I have a Day 8 weigh in on my mind.

Small victories matter on a lifestyle diet. This is something that I will do for the rest of my life. I am still new to this and I don't expect to be perfect, but as long as I see that I am getting better at saying no to the non-vegan options and am getting stronger in my decision, then that is all that matters. Every day it gets easier.

DAILY REPORT. (1320 Calories)


A Homemade Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bar


Wrap with Red Lentil Hummus, yellow pepper, spinach, and Sriracha.


Another wrap like I had for lunch and a Boca burger on a whole wheat bun with spinach, barbecue sauce, and mustard.


3/4 of a banana
About 15 grape tomatoes
Homemade Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Bar


10 8 oz. glasses! :)


30 Day Shred, Level 1 Day 3

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