Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 4 - Vegan Bread

Welp. I feel stupid. Today, I checked the ingredients in the bread I usually use (Brownberry 100% Whole Wheat Bread), and I see, "non-fat milk".

I don't know why I never checked the ingredients sooner, but I'm not beating myself up about it too bad. I didn't know, and it was a mistake.  This does however mean that I will have to change breads. 

After I found out about my non-vegan bread, I got curious about my Flatout Wraps. I checked the ingredients and didn't see anything except it saying that they are made in a factory WITH non-vegan ingredients. Which I am O.K. with.  But I googled it anyways just to make sure and I found out...NON-VEGAN... Dang it.

I guess L-Cysteine, which is an ingredient in the Flatout Wraps is not vegan. OK.

The Flatout wraps hurt the most because not only did I JUST buy 2 new packages of them, but I also don't know what to replace them with.  The vegan bread seems like it might be easy because there are so many options but not with the wraps. In my regular store, there are 2 wrap options: Flatout and Mission Wraps. Pre-vegan me used to use the Mission Wraps but I switched to Flatout solely because Mission Wraps had a ton of calories per wrap.

I have a wrap everyday so not having wraps to use makes me a little cranky.

Does anyone know of any yummy whole wheat vegan breads or any vegan wraps? I'm a desperate lady.

DAILY REPORT. (1300 Calories)


Banana and Frozen Berry Smoothie.


I made two pieces of toast on my stupid non-vegan bread and smashed a half of an avocado on them. Topped it with some cherry tomatoes cut in half, black pepper, garlic salt, and I squeezed a little bit of lemon juice on top. SO DELICIOUS.


Vegan Sushi and a spinach and yellow pepper hummus wrap.




I drank 80 oz. of water today. Yay! 10 Cups. Goal Achieved!


I shoveled snow. I shoveled a lot of snow.

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