Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 5 - Perspective

When I was in high school, I weighed 135 lbs. and I always thought I needed to lose weight. I didn't obsess about it, but it was often on my mind. Now, about 8 years later. I am about 30 lbs. heavier, and I always think how I wish I could be 135 lbs again. My ultimate goal is less then that, but if 135 lbs is all I could achieve, I would be happy at that weight.

But in high school I thought I was a whale.  It's funny to think about that and how warped my self image was.  I have been 135 lbs. in my adult life and it sure isn't at whale status.

It kind of makes me sad for former high school me that I ever wasted my time thinking I wasn't skinny enough or good enough when in reality, that wasn't the case. I guess the saying you get wiser as you get older is true.

I was a dummy.

Anyways, Day 5 on the vegan wagon and it feels good. All cravings are minor and are easy to overcome. I feel good, and I feel confident.

DAILY REPORT. (1251 Calories)


Banana and Frozen Berry Smoothie


Avocado Toast with sliced cherry tomatoes, black pepper, garlic salt, and lemon juice.


Tried a Boca Burger for the first time today. I don't know why I didn't know they were soy burgers but, well I didn't. I don't really like eating soy so I cringed when I took the box out of the freezer and saw "Soy". But I bought it already so I just tried it. It was actually really good. It kind of had a grilled flavor to it. I will gladly finish the box, but that will be the last of my Boca experience. I had it on a whole wheat bun with spinach, heirloom tomato, barbeque sauce, and mustard.


Homemade Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars. - I needed some more calories today so I decided to experiment. It was super easy to make and will definitely be making them again. You just melt peanut butter in a pan, add your oats and stir. Transfer it to a small square pan and then put it in the refrigerator. I think they would be awesome for snacks and part of my breakfast.


:( 6 cups. Whatever.


None really today.

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