Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 12 - Being Vegan on Christmas Eve

My Christmas Eve probably wasn't the most enjoyable event ever, but I had a good time, and I didn't slip up and eat any non-vegan food.  If I had more time to prepare, or I knew the people (my boyfriend's sister's family) better (this was only my second time meeting them)  or if it wasn't an all day event getting there and back, I probably would have had some food to eat.

I made my fruit smoothie before we left so I did get a normal breakfast, but after that, it was on the road. I packed three bananas for me to snack on for the drive/lunch. We drove down with my boyfriend's parents and along the way, we stopped at a gas station where my boyfriend got some donuts for himself for breakfast. I'm at the point now in my healthy journey that I cringe when people eat stuff like that. I know what it is doing to their body, and it's not very nice, but I just sat there and ate a banana.

After driving awhile, we stopped at McDonald's for lunch. I don't eat McDonald's. I was told, "they have salads..." but to me, McDonald's salads seem to be high calorie and not that healthy so I just ate my banana while everyone else ate. I was fine with that.

Finally, we get to my boyfriend's sister's house, and I eat my last banana. It was about 2pm and I was out of "my food" so I'm hoping for the best when Christmas Eve dinner comes around.

When dinner started about 5 or 6pm, there really wasn't anything for me to eat. It was the typical Christmas dinner foods...turkey, green bean casserole, rolls with butter, mashed potatoes, corn with sugar in it ( I guess that is vegan, but I try to keep the sugars I eat to natural sugars like fruit, plus, eating just some corn doesn't really seem worth it) And then brownies and cheesecake for dessert.

I didn't expect for them to have any vegan food so I wasn't disappointed. I actually found out the my boyfriend's sister used to be vegan about 10 years ago, so that was a surprise. She told me that now that she knows I'm vegan, she will have stuff for me to eat next time, which was really nice.

I don't know why I didn't tell them beforehand. I guess I didn't want to be like, "Hey! You don't know me very well, but I'm vegan and make sure there is something for me to eat!" I would never talk like that because I'm not rude, but that's how I felt like they would take it. I know it's my own stupid perception, and I'm sure they would be fine with it, but I guess I just didn't want them to be going out of their way to accommodate someone they barely know.

Anyways, after dinner, we all sat and talked for awhile, and we left about 8pm. I'm starving by this point. I usually eat about 6 pm so my stomach was growling. It was a long drive home and by the time I got to my doorstep, it was past 11pm. I was running to the kitchen. I HATE eating that late, but just going to bed and not eating was not an option. I needed more than some bananas and a smoothie.

I went in the kitchen and made two of my veggie wraps, and I've never tasted anything better. =)

I know I am getting stronger on my vegan path, because during this whole day, I didn't crave eating the non-vegan food like I normally would have (and given in, by the way). I was starving and had cravings, but it was for my yummy vegan food waiting for me at home. I had no desire to eat anything non-vegan, and that is amazing to me. It's taken me about 10 months to get to this point, but I'm so glad I'm here.

Now, I don't necessarily think not eating most of the day was the best option even if it worked out for me, so here is what I probably should have done different.

1. Told my boyfriend's family that I was vegan or had my boyfriend slip them the news. With just a little heads up, maybe they would have put out a fruit or veggie plate. Who knows, maybe even something better considering the sister's vegan background.

2. I could have made something and brought it along. I didn't do this because it was a long car ride, and I am pretty simple in my eating. I don't know very many recipes that would have been good for Christmas, but with a little research, I'm sure I could have found one.

3. Brought more bananas.

DAILY REPORT (1280 Calories)


Fruit Smoothie


3 Medium Sized Bananas

My late dinner.

2 Veggie Wraps. Hummus, Spinach, Yellow Pepper, and Sriracha.

No Snacks.


I didn't do very well today. I drank about 8 oz before I left and then brought a water bottle with about 24 oz in it which I drank during the day. Then about 8 oz when I got home. So 5 cups.


None. On my off days, I at least try to do 100 squats which I usually do right before I get in the shower, but I was so tired after eating dinner at now about midnight that I totally forgot until after I got in the shower. So actually a real rest day today.

Coming tomorrow. Being a Vegan on Christmas. Not much travel involved to a little bit different.

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