Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 1 - Back on Track

Day 1.

Everyday millions of people obsess about losing weight. Me included. I'm tired of wanting to be a certain way, but not actually accomplishing anything. Everyday, I'm stuck in a body I don't want to be in but, although I try, I find it hard to get to my end goal. I'm sure I am not alone here.

I think it is time to switch my thinking. Instead of focusing on weight loss, I am going to start focusing on health. When all you are doing is just trying to lose weight, if you mess up one day and eat something unhealthy, you know you can just start over at anytime. And so you continue to mess up over and over again because people always tell you, "tomorrow is another day".

But I think if you focus on health at least for my thinking, tomorrow is not another day. Everything you put into your body TODAY effects how your body functions and ultimately, your health for when we are old and gray.

I have many goals, but probably my biggest goal is to be a high functioning senior citizen. I don't want to be stuck in a nursing home because I can't take care of myself. I don't want to rely on bottles of pills to keep me alive. I want to be that old lady walking on the beach every morning (just like my grandma). I want people to not believe me when I tell them how old I really am. I want to keep doctor's visits to a minimum and just enjoy my last years on this earth.

I am only 27 so this is a life long goal but when I think about it that way, eating that greasy cheeseburger, doesn't seem so appealing.

A little about my food history...

I grew up eating convenience foods mostly. I always liked fruit a lot but, I was a no cooked veggie person and there was always junk food galore in my house so that's what my brother and I ate. My mom was a great mom but, she never really utilized her domestic gene. I usually ended up making dinner or it was fend for yourself. We ate lots of macaroni and cheese and  LOTS of pizza.

When I got out on my own, at 19 I was married to a meat and potatoes type guy.

Disclaimer: Do NOT get married when you are 19. You will probably regret it. :)

Anyways, when you are married to a meat and potatoes type guy, you usually become a meat and potatoes type girl. He was the type that would make burgers on the grill and try to fit as much cheese and bacon on one burger as he could. I'm not saying they didn't taste good, but it's not the healthiest of lifestyles.

Skip ahead 5 years. I'm divorced, but absolutely the happiest I have ever been in my life. He was the one that asked for the divorce, but I was the one that felt trapped as a person. I never got to experience life or find out the person that I really was. Now on my own, I could eat whatever I wanted. And for me, I wanted to lose some weight and eat healthy. The next two years, I ate healthy about half the time. And when I did, it was salads, chicken breasts, fruit; the typical stuff.

Around a year ago, I decided to go vegetarian. At the time, I thought I could NEVER go Vegan. I said, "I love cheese too much"...but as time went on as a vegetarian, slowly without even noticing it, I stopped using cheese on my wraps. I never really drank milk so switching to Almond milk was no big deal. I only ate eggs about once a year and never really used much butter. I realized one day, besides my Greek Yogurt in the morning, I was pretty much eating a vegan diet. So although, it pained me to do so (for a little bit), I decided to give up my yogurt and commit to a vegan diet.  That was about 9 months ago.

Through those 9 months I was vegan, then vegetarian, then vegan, and so on. I find it very annoying. I want to commit right now starting today to a vegan diet FOR GOOD. And I don't want to look back. I feel the best with this way of eating and I just need to stop giving in.

So this is why I am here. I want to write down what I am feeling, what I am eating, and what is happening in my life. My hope is with this public diary, I can stay accountable. I am going to write down what I am eating, my exercise habits, and things going on in my life, I guess starting now...


Banana Berry Smoothie - 2 bananas, about 1-2 cups of frozen berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries).


Veggie Wrap. - 1 Sun-dried tomato wrap with 2 TBS. of Eat Well Enjoy Life Spicy Red Lentil Hummus, handful of spinach and a whole yellow pepper cut into slices. Topped liberally with Sriracha. This may sound too simple with not much going on but it has big flavor and it's probably one of my favorite things to eat.


Homemade Vegan chili- Super delicious. Lot of veggies and black beans.


Small Orange (I've been trying to make sure I am getting enough calcium so I've been eating more oranges and drinking Calcium Fortified Orange Juice).


30 Day shred Level 1, Day 1
Ab Work - 50 crunches, 50 reverse crunches
Stairs - up and down 5 times

It's been about a month since I did any workouts so back to it.

I am going to do a weigh in once a week.

Starting Weight: 162.8 Lbs.
Goal Weight: 125 Lbs.
Next Weigh on Day 8.

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